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  • Виктория
    Klient Manager
    Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours making our clients feel cared for and enjoying their communication with the company. If you have any suggestions or ideas, you can write to her.
  • Алевтина
    Financ Director
    Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
  • Илья
    Founder & Team Lead
    Max founded our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He found the core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in the work process.

Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.

Films are chosen in each category by a section director with the advice of a committee of film experts.

Learn how to get there, where to stay and how to have the best time.

The ways that vast empty spaces affect how you feel and how to spend your summer the Scandinavian way.

A brand in order to be relevant to consumers and sustainable over time must operate much like a culture.

After initial crisis re-construction the center of Rotterdam has become the site of ambitious new architecture.

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